One Jesus X

You may have been directed to this website by a key chain or a dog tag you received by someone who cared deeply about you, or somehow saw this website somewhere.

First, we are glad you are here and second, there is no coincidence you were intrigued to see what this is about. This website is for everyone, whether you know Jesus personally or not.


Why One Jesus X

The keychain represents a silver dollar the bible references to in Luke 15:8-10. Even though the story is speaking of a silver dollar, the story is really implicating that you are so valuable to God that He would search high and low for you to be close to Him and share eternity with you.

So, we are delivering a message letting you know Jesus is reaching out, wanting a personal relationship with you. to explain the letter “X” on the silver dollar/keychain or dog tag, we found an article that may shed some light if you have doubts about whether Jesus is the savior and the only way into heaven as told in the Bible.

The article not only speaks of a silver dollar but gives a great mathematical illustration of the odds of Jesus being “the one” “the messiah” “the savior” of mankind.

The article shares that the probability and odds based off of just eight prophecies out of over 300 prophecies in the Bible being true, is like filling the state of Texas with 100 trillion silver dollars and only marking one of those silver dollars with an “X”. Then, stirring that silver dollar in the middle of the mix which would sit about 2 feet high full of silver dollars.

And yet with these great odds Jesus fulfilled these prophecies!

Sometimes we can doubt as to whether the Bible is true or not but there is evidence all around us including Jesus fulfilling these prophecies.

Basically we can prove of Jesus’s existence and fulfilling what He said, with math, science and history other than the Bible of course.

Please feel free to check out the article which speaks of the eight prophecies Jesus fulfilled and it’s resources.

for article Click here

The Good News

Jesus was conceived and born of a virgin woman and the holy spirit making him the son of God. As the son of God he chose to live humbly among people. when it was time, he went around healing, teaching and casting out demons that oppressed and afflicted people. He was then crucified unto death because some people didn’t want to believe that he was the son of God, making him equal to God; and because He didn’t save them from the Roman rule the way people thought He should have saved them. However, Jesus gave his life freely and died an innocent and sinless man but this was also prophesied so in His death He would pay the wages of mankind’s sin. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice so our sins would be atoned for and we could have a personal relationship with father God.

But because Jesus is the son of God and a sinless man, death could not keep Him, and so, He resurrected from death after three days. He walked around the town for many to see Him and speak with Him for 40 days. He then ascending to heaven with our heavenly Father and sent us the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God) to live with us, in us and among us, to comfort, guide us and bring miracles.

Through this great act, Jesus offers us a place in heaven with Him and Father God. All we have to do is believe He is the son of God and our savior and receive His sacrifice as a gift.

There is no greater love than this!

If you would like to receive this gift, what we call salvation, from Jesus promising you a place in heaven with Him, please pray this in your mind or out loud or watch the video below:

Jesus I believe you are the son of God and you died for me. I believe you rose from the dead. I receive you as my Lord and savior and I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me of all my sin. Please guide me and help me be a conqueror. Give me wisdom to navigate this life victoriously and help me develop and live out in all the great wonders and miracles you have for me. Jesus I thank you for listening to me and for all you have already done for me. In jesus name, Amen

If you are interested in knowing what to do next, just go to our “Next step” section


salvation video

If you prefer to have someone walk you through the prayer of salvation, please watch this video.


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